How Tos' Study Tips

How to set good study habits

There is no secret to being a good student- it takes a lot of hard work!

Listen to study tips
Listen to stress management tips

Things You’ll Need

Know: when, where and how to study


Start out by estimating how many hours of study you need.

Study when you feel most energetic and motivated.

Find odd “down” times to study like while you are waiting to see the dentist.


Select a quiet location where you will not be disturbed.

Study sitting in a chair instead of lying down. Your head will stay clearer.

Maintain a routine by Studying in the same place.


  • Stay focused on your reason for studying (in other words, keep your goals in mind).
  • Resist distractions during those times you have to set aside to study.
  • Be persistent and disciplined.
  • Think about tackling the tougher chapters first.
  • Study in briefer time spans and give yourself short breaks in between. This keeps you fresh and wont waste time.
  • Study habits work better when you take time out to “play”. Do not deprive yourself of being with friends and family.
  • Remember that sleep, good nutrition, and exercise keep the brain and body in good working order.